
A Small Belgium Townhouse Is the Perfect Mix of Minimal and Bohemian

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Credit: Robbe van der Vreken

Name:Robbe van der Vreken and two bunnies, who roam freely around the house
Location:Ghent, Belgium
Type of home:Townhouse
Size:About 860 square feet
Years lived in:1 year

Credit: Robbe van der Vreken
Protecting his room

Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there:It’s a townhouse, which was renovated a year ago. Everything was turned white, and so it’s the perfect white canvas. The interior is a collection of vintage furniture gathered throughout the years from vintage collections and thrift shops. To not feel alone in this oasis, which has lots of plants, two bunnies accompany me. They free roam the house and are prominent in the pictures, which adds to the bohemian feeling.

Credit: Robbe van der Vreken
Sun sun sun

Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less:Bohemian, Vintage, Plants, White

Credit: Robbe van der Vreken
Golden hour

你最喜欢的房间是什么d why?Living room. Here the feeling and style of the above-mentioned description comes to life the most.

Credit: Robbe van der Vreken

What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home?古董抽屉从Depot 09, a thrift shop in Ghent.

Credit: Robbe van der Vreken
The master bedroom

Any advice for creating a home you love?If you start creating your home/interior, you have to feel the space first. If you go renting or buy a house, you should really love the space and fall in love with it at first sight. From then on, it goes naturally. Try to find things which make you comfortable and make you feel at home.

This submission’s responses and photos were edited for length/size and clarity.

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