
A Small San Francisco Apartment Is the Perfect Blend of Mid-Century Modern, Scandinavian, and Indian Styles

publishedMar 27, 2021
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Name:Prathima Nalluri
Location:San Francisco, California
Type of home:Apartment
Size:700 square feet
Years lived in:9 months, renting

Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there:I moved frommy old apartmentinto this one at the beginning of the pandemic in search of more space. The place has lots of windows and gets a ton of light at all times of the day, which has been great for my plants and my overall mood during this time.

I grew up in India, and you see elements of my culture in my apartment. For example, the art in the hallway is by an Indian artist, and the prints in my dining room are sourced from India. I think our homes are an extension of who we are. It not only reflects our personal style but where we are in life and where we come from.

Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less:Blend of mid-century modern and Scandinavian

你最喜欢的房间是什么,为什么?Probably my living room. Because I spend most of the day in my bedroom where my work desk is, it is nice to spend the evenings in the living room watching TV or reading or just relaxing with a glass of wine.

什么是你买的最后一件事(或发现)your home?I spruced up my work area with aproper office chair(I have been using my dining chair all along!) and aplug-in wall sconce.

Any advice for creating a home you love?Take your time, less is more, and keep it personal.

This submission’s responses and photos were edited for length/size and clarity.