
This Apartment Has the Secrets to Beautiful, Uncluttered Small Space Living

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Credit:Amrit Pal
When we first moved to San Francisco, I followed the age-old advice: buy a neutral sofa. I regretted it every day for a year and obsessed over Pinterest photos of blue couches before finally finding this one on Craigslist and deciding to take the plunge. Zero regrets, I still love it every day.

Name:Gabi Horowitz,我的伴侣mrit, and our dog, Freckle
Location:Mission District — San Francisco, California
Years lived in:1 year, renting

Credit:Amrit Pal


Credit:Amrit Pal
我由一位名叫埃米尔·卢卡斯(Emil Lukas)的艺术家根据艺术品制作了线程绘画。女人的绘画是我们从当地艺术家帕梅拉·穆尼(Pamela Mooney)那里购买的唯一一种艺术。在我们在SF的第一个月中,我从在路边出售它的人发现了Tansu躯干。我为此付给了他100美元的现金,他说他稍后再交付,我走开了,希望我不只是骗了一个骗局。我认为它不适合我们的旧公寓,但无论如何都必须拥有它,事实证明这是从仓库中寄出的祝福。

We both loved the coziness of that apartment but wanted a place with more sunlight, so we waited to move until we found a sunny and bright space with a nice view. That may not be asking for the moon in most cities, but in San Francisco it was a real scavenger hunt. I love the “less but better” philosophy when it comes to possessions (I only own one nail polish, and I’ve had it for ten years!), so living in a smaller space provides a good framework for that lifestyle.

Credit:Amrit Pal
I love walking through that front door and coming home to sunlight, plants, and art. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, so living in a sunny city is something that I'll never take for granted.

我一直在问自己:“我是否足够喜欢这个物品,可以在我们的家中腾出空间?”尽管我会喜欢一个老式的酒吧推车或厨房助理或在真实电视屏幕上观看Netflix,但答案是一个清晰的“否”。在生活中的这一点上,我们拥有适当的空间,我喜欢那个⁠ - 感觉非常好。话虽如此,我不是一个简约的人 - 我喜欢下一个人,也可能更喜欢漂亮的东西。如果我一个人居住,那么我可以很乐意沉迷于更加最大的美学。但是Amrit很容易被混乱不知所措,因此我们在中间的某个地方见面。我们俩都在相遇之前过着相当的游牧生活,总是从一个地方搬到另一个地方,因此创造房屋是一次有趣的冒险,我们俩都没有期待,但我们俩都喜欢。

Credit:Amrit Pal
The books used to be lined up from one end of the bench to the other, with all of the plants on top. But when we started working from home in March this year, I tried to think of how to create a workspace without needing to buy a new piece of furniture, and voila: the bench desk was born.

用5个或更少的时间描述您房屋的风格:Bright, airy, curated, collected, and alive

Credit:Amrit Pal
I have so many projects in mind for the bedroom—swapping out the half-boob light for a Moroccan-style chandelier, finding just the right piece of artwork for Amrit's side of the bed, hanging curtains... but at the same time, I just really love it as is. The sun steals the show, and she deserves it.

你最喜欢的房间是什么,为什么?我爱我们的卧室。这是巨大的,当我们来看看这间公寓时,我认为这很荒谬 - 我不明白为什么建筑师使客厅变得如此小,卧室如此之大。我仍然不太了解这一点,但这并不能阻止我享受卧室。我喜欢随着阳光灿烂的脸醒来,喜欢我的植物在这里很高兴。

Credit:Amrit Pal
I love hunting for the right piece of furniture, no matter where it comes from. Our bedroom is such a mix—the dresser is a vintage mid-century one from Craigslist, the mirror is from a vintage shop in our neighborhood, the nightstand is an old wooden crate that we found next to a dumpster outside an art studio in Seattle. I bought that vase at a market in Vietnam, and the flowers and Persian rug were gifts from friends.

您为您的家购买(或找到)的最后一件事是什么?自从我们搬到这里以来,这些植物就已经成长了很多,所以我只是回复了其中的大多数。我买了四个粘土地形的花盆, 和love how much texture and warmth they carry.

Credit:Amrit Pal


This submission’s responses were edited for length and clarity.

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