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Succulent School: 10 Hardy & Stylish Succulents For Home

updatedJul 18, 2020
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Apartment Therapy’s annual Small/Cool Contest is back again! Look inside 71 homes and tell us which is the smallest and coolest. The grand prize winner will get $1,000.Start voting now!

这已经不是什么秘密,我们为肉质植物。他们easy to take care of, cheap, easily propagate, don’t need much water and come in tons of beautiful colors and textures. Looking for some fresh succulent inspiration? Want to expand your succulent knowledge and find a new love? Discover our favorite succulents for ground and container planting after the jump.

The beauty of succulents is that they can take full sun and can live in a container or in the ground. Normally if you want more of one that you have, you canbreak off a piece of itand either stick it into the ground or into a glass of water and it will sprout roots. Then you can plant it wherever you want.

1.Echevaria Gibbiflora or Blue Wavehas distinct ruffles around the edges and varies from green with a bit of pink, to a lot of pink, depending on sun and water.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

2.Sedum Adolphi or Golden Sedumwill turn brighter orange the more sun it gets and propogates really easily. It’s a nice contrast to the blues and greens that you typically see in succulents.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

3.Echeveria Geranium or Hen and Chicks. A classic with a nice texture.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

4.Euphorbia tirucalli or Fire Sticks

(Image credit: Shutterstock)
The Purple Aeoniumgrows on a stalk, like at bloom cafe

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

6.Aeonium sunbursthave a great color palette and grow in a similar pattern to hen and chicks.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

7.Kalanchoe thyrsiflorahas great smooth rounded leaves with a tinge of red.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

8.Donkey’s Tail or Burro Tailis a 70’s classic—does anyone have a mom or grandmother that didn’t have one of these hanging in the kitchen? It’s great hanging over the side of a pot with other succulents.

9.Senecio serpens or Blue Chalk Stickhas shown up in a lot of xeriscape gardens as a fun blue accent that grows quickly and can cover a lot of space.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

10.E. elegans or Mexican snowballcreates a cute pink bunch of flowers that contrasts against its green base.

Re-edited from a post originally published on 6.10.08 – AB