
Target Is Redesigning Their Stores (& It Might Just Save You Money)

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(图片来源:Sean Wandzilak)

Target, aka America’s favorite place to accidentally drop fifty bucks on snacks and cat toys, is making a big aesthetic change. While they’re hanging on to their iconic red logo, the retailer is planning a huge revamp to the layout of its stores, allowing for a more modern design.

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The biggest new change is that stores will have two entrances: One for people who want to browse, and one for people who want to pick up their online orders of La Croix and Oreos and then get right on out of there. That second entrance has an option for customers to pay ahead and have orders brought out to them in their cars, which would probably save me the money I always end up splurging when I go in to grab “just one thing.”

Another time saving feature coming to all locations this fall: store associates on the floor will be equipped with mobile payment devices so you won’t have to wait in checkout lines.

The first fully reimagined store will be located 35 miles southwest of Houston off the Grand Parkway Southwest in Aliana’s Market Center. This store, opening in October, will provide the blueprint for stores going forward and the redesigns to existing locations.

Store entrance 1 (Image credit: Target)

The company sharedsome sketches of what the new plans will bring,德finitely seems like the store is going for a higher-end look. Round tables loaded with the store’s clothing and accessories make the retailer’s goods look more like a department store display, while changes to the produce area make the grocery side of the things veer more toward a Whole Foods vibe.

I feel like they’ve been testing some of this stuff for a while, because whenever I try to walk by their home section I get completely distracted since it looks more like an IKEA showroom every time. And dang it if they haven’t made me want to buy all of their kids’ decor line lately because sometimes grown-ups want impractical fabric tents patterned with zoo animals, too. And how do they know all of the shamelessly trendy colors I’m drawn to? It’s not fair.

All in all, the plans look pretty good, but I’m an admitted Target allegiant. They’ve had my number for the last several Black Fridays in a row, 5 a.m. and everything. I’m not proud of it.

As far as layout changes in general, I’m slightly torn. I’ve lived in three different states in six years, but one weird thing that has always been comforting to me is the familiarity of Targets in every city. The bad news is, that’s about to be upended, but the good news is, a third of the 1,800 existing locations will be coordinated with the new layout by 2019.