
All Your Friends Are Having Babies, Here’s What to Give Them at the Baby Shower

updatedMay 3, 2019
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(图片来源:Hayley Kessner)

Ah, the plight of being in your twenties. First there’s the avalanche of weddings. Then not too long after, the barrage of baby showers. If you’re not a parent yourself (actually, even sometimes when you are), it can be tough to know what to buy for those little bundles of joy.

If they’re registered, start there. But if you’re running out of time or open items on the registry, consider one of these go-to baby gifts.

Gift Certificates

A megastore gift card is an always-appreciated gift—new parents can pick up some necessities they didn’t receive at the baby shower, or just keep it on hand for little things once the baby’s born. That goes double if your friends are on their second or third kid, since they likely have all the “things” they need.

A Portrait Session

As an offshoot of the gift certificate idea, give the new parents a voucher for a session with a local photographer or portrait studio to capture some photos of their new family.

(图片来源:Cathy Pyle)

Something Handmade

如果你是狡猾的,一个新的婴儿是完美的时间to flex your muscles and handmake something a little sentimental. Knit a blanket, paint a picture or sew a felt toy together for the little one, then mark it with their name and birthdate. It’ll become a keepsake they treasure for a long time.

Something to Pamper the Parents

Babies are pretty simple creatures, after all. Whoreallyneeds a treat right now is mom or dad. Consider a massage package, a day of professional housekeeping or a nice meal out of the house (with babysitting).

(图片来源:Elissa Crowe)


All the diapers.Babies are just little poop factories. If you feel so inclined, you can turn them into adiaper cakeor adiaper motorcycle. But just know that an apocalypse-sized box of diapers from Costco—wrapped in nothing but a big, stick-on bow—is more than enough.

What’s your go-to baby shower gift?