
The Single Use Appliance I Won’t Live Without

publishedSep 9, 2015
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I’ve told you before about my low-key kitchen where old fashioned elbow grease often beats out an appliance. Get ready to call my bluff because there is ONE little gadget that’s about as one-use as they come and I wouldn’t be without it. What is it?

It’s my coffee grinder.

And this is a fairly new development for me. In fact, I came by my hand-me-down grinder quite by accident when I helped my boyfriend clean out his office kitchen only a few months ago. Now, I don’t know how I ever got along without it. No more batch grinding at the store (or, gasp, buying pre-ground pouches).

It’s not that I didn’t know that Ishouldbe grinding daily, I just never really got it together to get the set-up ready AND I’m pretty anti-single use appliances. But I should have made an exception for this baby long ago. In terms of multi-tasking, it’s a total dud (you might have gathered that I’m not exactly keen to start grinding my own spices anytime soon), but that damn miracle device really makes my mid-priced, probably a little stale coffee taste like magic. It’s a dramatic difference and worth the several extra minutes and jolt of noise it takes to get to an awesome final result. It also helps that I’m only really making coffee at home a few times a week so it’s not really a daily grind (ahem).

So, I want to know. Rice cooker? Panini maker? Clutter-be-damned, what space hogging, single use appliance do you just have to have?