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(图片来源:Aimée Mazzenga

除非您住在一个拥有七间卧室的3,000平方英尺的房屋中,否则很可能您有点短storage space。如果您想最大程度地提高平方英尺,那么您梦dream以求的额外空间可能就在您的(打呼式)鼻子下:是时候谈论床下储藏室的想法了。有大量空间,床下方的区域是最重要的区域之一,underutilized卧室的储藏空间。无论是在庞大的主卧室还是小型工作室里,这个地方都值得为了储存和宁静而利用(谁在说再见后不感到平静?)。最好的部分是,充分利用这个空间并不需要太多。实际上,通过合并这三个简单的调整,您会发现自己的空间翻了一番and为了 - 谈论组织喜悦!继续阅读以了解有关我们最喜欢的床储藏解决方案的更多信息。

信用:Esteban Cortez

1. Raise Your Bed

The standard height under most beds varies from seven to 12 inches. While there is a wide array of under bed storage ideas that take this differential into consideration, raising your bed frame could potentially double your vertical space without infringing on your square footage.

For under $10 at Target,a four-pack of bed risers将在您的床下空间中增加六英寸的高度。为了支撑高达300磅,只需将塑料脚固定在床柱上,然后惊叹于额外的高度即可。如果您的床裙不足木制stacking risersfrom Amazon.

增加床下空间的另一种方法是简单地购买高床架,这样OLEE 18英寸钢板床架。设计爱好者感到慰藉,因为有整个互联网值得掩盖美丽床的腹部。



易于连接到任何低调的篮子,盒子或抽屉,这些施法者make it so that any of these essential storage organizers can be converted into under-the-bed storage. With a power drill, a set of casters, and your container of choice, you’ll have a rolling, space-saving storage solution.


公寓疗法readers are well versed in low-profile storage bins, but in a quickly evolving home goods market, there are some options that may surprise you. Here are a few quick and easy under bed storage ideas available to purchase. Don’t be afraid to alter baskets or bins to fit your needs. Remove lids, paint, or add labels or casters to pieces that may need some sprucing up.

If you’re like me, your well-concealed under-the-bed bins have a tendency to end up getting stuffed with wadded-up clothing and items that are easy to forget about. With no walls to encourage overstuffing or hide poorly organized goods, this滚动线架上的电线架是想成为极简主义者的理想解决方案。

如果您想保持整洁,但是有一个lotof stuff to stash, open bins, crates, or baskets are the next best option. No lid means less stuffing, and being able to see what’s inside means more opportunities to realize you don’t actually need what is in that box! We love这个简单的滚动木箱来自Wayfair。

If you really want to load things up under there (less room for monsters … ), a sturdy, lidded bin is a perfect option. You can’t go wrong with these giant plastic Tupperware bins fromTarget。我们喜欢这个选择,因为它的安全闩锁,清晰的设计(当然最好看到您的物品)和轮式设计。

上面的更别致的巨型塑料箱,这个现代编织床储物篮来自West Elm坚固,由手工编织藤皮制成。这个粉刷的储物容器与时尚一样功能性。

Farmhouse fabric lidded storage bin从容器存储中,由Poly-Cotton混合物制成,可为您提供更多的摆动空间。它的两侧也有一个手柄,使其易于滑出然后放回床下。

这post was originally published on January 10, 2019, and was last updated on January 19, 2021 to reflect current prices and offerings. Sarah M. Vazquez also contributed to reporting.

Jessica Isaac


Jess is an interior and architectural photographer based in Los Angeles. While she has the honor of peeking inside designer homes on a regular basis, she loves real homes designed by real people most of all.

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