
8 Owners of Old Homes Share the Weirdest Things About Their Antique Houses

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信用:Kenwiedemann/Getty Images

作为一座125年历史的房屋的所有者,我亲眼知道很久以前建造的结构如何有很多怪癖。这些怪癖中的许多都很迷人 - 例如在厨房里有一个蜂巢烤箱,地板之间的哑马或有吸引力的田野石基金会代替现代混凝土。但是,其中许多可能需要额外的TLC。例如,我的马毛石膏墙并不是特别宽容。每次挂照片时,我都会交叉手指。还有那个田野基金会?如果未正确密封,它很可能会泄漏。

然后,有些事情简直是出乎意料的,直到有人搬进或开始翻新后才知道。未来,八个人 - 架构,设计师,历史学家和房主 - 分享了他们发现的东西老房子they hadn’t anticipated.


“关于我们刚刚为设计工作室购买的古董房屋和商店的古董房屋是室内'口袋'百叶窗,这些百叶窗从墙壁上的凹槽中拉出,分别覆盖上下腰带。这些百叶窗中的许多被涂在墙壁上,不再可见或可访问,但有些仍在使用且超级酷。我个人以前从未见过他们。”—Interior designer Stacey Clarimundo ofFound Design Studioin Essex, Mass.


“In the hall niche of an apartment in San Francisco’s Mission District I found a wood panel with a handle that pulls down to reveal a pop-out surface—a电话的内置椅子E曾在它旁边。旧建筑具有独特的特征,高质量的材料以及当今新建筑中通常缺少的细节。”- 建筑历史学家和副校长克里斯蒂娜·迪卡斯(Christina Dikas)页面和特恩布尔在加利福尼亚州旧金山。


“一次,我们有一个飞行松鼠的侵扰attic of our circa 1710 home. After they had been ‘evicted,’ my husband set to work on a temporary repair to close the entry point. As he was removing rotted wood and cleaning things out, he started pulling out dried corn cobs and I could hear him cursing outside. He thought the flying squirrels had been bringing the corn cobs in, but I quickly realized that was our insulation! Dried corn cobs were stacked in between walls as insulation back in the day, so that is still the insulation in a lot of our home.”- 流行设计师劳拉·塞塔(Laura Seita)Fig & Squill Floral Design,,,,Exeter, R.I.


“在Tribeca的一间阁楼公寓中,我们预计横梁和圆柱的颜色较浅,但是当我们开始卸下油漆时,我们发现了深色和烧焦的黑色表面。丰富的烧焦的颜色更加温暖,几乎创造出从地板到天花板上升的Ombre效果。旧建筑不完美且不平坦。我们喜欢将这些特征作为特征,而不是负债。”- 建筑安德鲁·弗朗兹(Andrew Franz)Andrew Franz Architect纽约市


“我在1688年的农舍中最喜欢的发现是来自房屋外的。通常在现场有一个垃圾坑,所以当我在房子后面的小径上行走并找到一条坑时,就像打开一个时胶囊一样。在旧的茶壶,盘子和大约70年的森林中埋葬了一卷金属花园边缘。”—Farmer Nathaniel Higley ofLillooet Sheep & Cheesery在马萨诸塞州的Boxford。


“我们在1867年的房屋的墙壁上发现了一条凉爽的角型管。我们猜测这是两层楼之间的业主和员工如何交流。还有一个铃铛系统,“唐顿修道院”风格;当我们搬进来时,其中一些甚至工作。当我们翻新时,许多人必须下来,但是我们仔细保存了他们,这一直是我们剥夺多年油漆并使它们再次工作的计划。”- 马萨诸塞州波士顿的作者兼风格总监Donna Garlough。


“在大约1904年的庄园房屋中翻新一个内部空间时,必须拆除原始的板条和石膏天花板。正如工人在这项工作中所做的那样,完整的松鼠骨骼从天花板掉落到地板上。”—Architect Benjamin Nutter ofBenjamin Nutter Architectsof Topsfield, Mass.

信用:Zack Dezon摄影

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“When renovating our 1940s Quonset Hut, which was originally used as an ammunition shelter, we did find something peculiar in the exterior wall cavities throughout the home—large assembled sheets made from wonderfully worn antique planks. We pulled them out, gave them some love, and repurposed them for the kitchen countertops. You never know what you’ll find hidden in the walls. Always check.”- 布莱尔·摩尔(Blair Moore)摩尔之家来宾留下摩尔房屋设计,,,,Tiverton,R.I.

考特尼·古德里奇(Courtney Goodrich)


考特尼·古德里奇(Courtney Goodrich)is a freelance writer, editor, and stylist who works on editorial and marketing projects covering art, design, travel, and food. Her work has appeared in Design New England, where she worked on staff for 7 years, Aspire Design and Home, The Boston Globe, Boston Home, Boston Spirit, Boston Weddings, Cape Cod Life, Coastal Design, The Coastal Table, Interiors Boston, New England Home, Northshore, Northshore Home, and Yankee. She lives in Massachusetts with her husband and daughter in a 125-year-old farmhouse, where she likes to research design trends and experiment with recipes from her beloved collection of cookbooks, favoring French and Italian.

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