
White Floors: Loving the Look, 5 Different Ways

updatedMay 4, 2019
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(图片来源:Leela Cyd)

Maybe you think white floors are reserved for sleek, modern, sparse interiors. Not so! There are so many different types and styles of white floors that they can work no matter what your style goals. Here’s the proof.

(图片来源:Jessica Isaac)


In an all-white room like this one above, the glossy floors provide a nice, shiny highlight that perks up the room without adding any color.


White doesn’t have to mean stuffy — these floors show their wear. They look lived-in and it works perfectly with the rest of the rustic, antique white in this hallway.

(图片来源:Bethany Nauert)


If you’re worried about keeping white floors clean, adding in some (dirt hiding) texture or using an unexpected material (here: concrete) makes them light in color without feeling too precious and high maintenance.

(图片来源:Nasozi Kakembo)

Painted wood

Beaten up wood that’s past its prime can get a new life with a white paint. The light color hides the bad but keeps the texture and grain.

(图片来源:Justice Darragh)


In a space with a lot of glossy surfaces already, matte floors might be the way to go. It keeps the overall look monochrome and the flashy elements grounded.

Convinced? Would you go white?