Organize & Clean

How To Make a Computer Monitor Frame

updatedMay 21, 2019
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(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

Remember thatseries of adorable laptop sleevesmade be a French duo? We thought, why not take their idea and make it a bit more utilitarian. We like the idea of accessorizing your computer, but it’s also nice to have accessories that are both cute and functional.

(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

What You Need

Large piece of cardboard or foamboard (two to three inches larger than your monitor)
Cork roll
Fabric, such as felt, to cover corkboard

Glue gun
Sticky Back Velcro


1.Measure your monitor’s screen and then add two inches to all sides. This will be the size of the frame.

2.On your foam board measure out both the overall frame’s dimensions and the screen’s dimensions within.

(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

3.Using an x-acto knife, cut out the frame and then cut out the screen.

4.Do the exact same thing with the cork roll.

(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

5.Glue the two pieces together.

6.Place the foam/cork frame on your fabric and cut a piece that is one-inch larger (on all sides) than the frame.

7.Place the frame on this newly cut fabric and mark where the screen will be. Then trace a rectangle an inch or so in from where you traced the screen.

8.Cut out the smaller rectangle on the fabric. You should now have a cut of fabric that is larger than the frame, yet has a smaller screen hole. The extra fabric on both sides is going to be used to wrap around the outer and inner edges of the frame like you would do if you were stretching canvas over a frame.

9.Place the frame cork-side down on the fabric. Pull the outer edges over onto the foam-side and glue them down. Snip into the corners of the inner edges and pull each strip over and glue it onto the foam.

(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

10.You can add details to the frame as I did by gluing an eyelet trim on both the outer and inner edges.

(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

11.你怎么贴上你的新框架来你的显示器是吗to you. We used Sticky Back Velcro on all four corners (thanks Gregory for the tip!). One side of the Velcro sticks onto the housing of your monitor and the other onto your frame. It’s not the best solution though since the sticky part of the Velcro is incredibly sticky and could cause problems when you decide you don’t want the frame anymore.

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(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

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(Images: soniaz)