
这Sleek Organizing Solution That Lets Me Store My Face Masks in Style

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信用:莎拉·克劳利(Sarah Crowley)

像(我猜)你们中的很多人一样,我已经建立了一个impressive collection of protective face masks over the past couple of years. I have fashionable fabric masks and character-themed masks, but the bulk of them are 3-ply face masks that I sometimes layer or wear on their own. In fact, I have multiple bags of face masks that found a home on a shelf in my office simply because I had nowhere else to place them. It’s not the most attractive spot, but I didn’t think I had many choices for where to store them. Until I sawYamazaki家’s面膜分配器。It looked stylish, compact, and best of all, it seemed like a great way to最后一劳永逸地戴上我的口罩。我必须尝试一下。

steel face mask dispenser从Yamazaki Home出发,是我在家中所有面具的一站式存储解决方案。这是一个简单,时尚的盒子,您可以使用黑色或白色,并带有可选的无钻壁安装的磁铁。根据您放置分配器的位置,有两种检索口罩的方法:通过顶部的开口或从底部拉出口罩。将分配器安装在墙上有一个额外的好处:您可以将其用作小物品的架子,例如钥匙,眼镜或其他任何可能在出门的路上抓住的东西。




Thanks to this nifty little $22 dispenser, I’ve finally been able to get rid of all the unsightly plastic bags that my face masks were shipped in. I know where to find all my clean masks and can grab one on my way out of the house without thinking twice. It’s one of my favorite home organization tools that aligns with how life has changed over the past couple of years, and it’s nice being able to keep the masks contained somewhere stylish. I couldn’t be happier with it.

买:面膜分配器,$ 22



布里特(Britt)是一位观星和日出室,带有魔术橡皮擦,并对奇妙的人着迷。她内心的讲故事的人在所有小事上都找到了灵感,很可能会发现唱歌表演,赶上K-Dramas或冒险冒险以满足她自然出生的旅行。(有时甚至是同时。)Britt是一个全方位的创意,与场景路易斯安那州,Nerd Machine和Daebak Company,Inc。一起工作。

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