
The One Design Rule You Should Break, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

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If you clicked on this story, there’s a good chance that, like us, you love astrology. Sure, some people think astrology is a little hokey, but we always feel like or horoscopes justgetus.

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As a result, we turn to the stars for everything—and we meaneverything.Whichhouseplants we should buy, whatcolors to paint our space,andwhich room to set up first when we move somewhere new.

Now, it’s time to see what type of rule breaker youreallyare. Like everything in life, the world of design has a laundry list of commandments wethink we should follow.

“The function of decorating is to create a temple or to create a holy space or safe space and using your sensibility,” addsastrologer Debra Silverman. “Never underestimate the significance of you creating a space that’s unique to you and that you can’t wait to come home to.”

Below, the biggest design rule you should break right now, according to your astrological sign. What can we say? It’s written in the stars!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries is a fire sign—and is also known as “the ram”—so their space will be anything but boring. Fiery, independent, and creative, they’ll be able to pack a punch in their home.

Design Rule to Break:“One Room, One Purpose”

The kitchen’s for cooking and the living room’s for living, right? Not quite. Aries signs love to get physical and move around, so you can expect to see little athletic accessories in every room. “It’s a sign that requires space to move and reflect back to themselves,” Silverman adds. “It’s all about their ego and self-development.” But don’t worry: As creative spirits, they’re bound to artfully add a punching bag or yoga mat into the mix.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Let’s get one thing straight: Don’t second guess a Taurus’ design aesthetic. Strong-willed and, yes, a little bit stubborn, this sign knows what they like—and what they don’t.

Design Rule to Break:“Keep Mementos to a Minimum”

宁静的心态可能风靡一时lately, but Tauruses like their stuff! As avid collectors, they’re likely to fill their place with relics and pieces with a sentimental touch. “Tauruses love to have antiques, wood, and qualities that quality furniture that has been made by hand or art that’s been done by people they know,” she explains.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

As the chart’s resident twin sign, what you see is not always what you get. Adaptable and outgoing, but impulsive and unreliable, Geminis have multiple layers to them, so you can expect an element of surprise in their space.

Design Rule to Break:“Adultify Your Space”

So many of us are dedicated to adultifying our area as soon as we graduate from college. We replace our posters with gallery walls and put anything that whiffs of childhood in storage. Geminis, on the other hand, love to sprinkle some childish wonder everywhere they go.

“Geminis are very childlike and so, are people that would have lots of color,” Silverman says. “They’re going to love mixing flavors so they can have old and new things.” She adds that Geminis are likely to spruce up their space with toys and books.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

What’s a Cancer’s design aesthetic like? Well, it depends on the person. As Silverman puts it, this sign can fall on two very opposite ends of the spectrum. “They’re either modern and they’re really doing an updated version of their home that includes high, expensive quality controls, or they’re homebodies who have found comfort in more,” she explains. Silverman adds that modern Cancers need to have everything match perfectly, while homebodies tend to veer into hoarder territory.

Design Rule to Break:“Make it Symmetric!”

We’re going to let you in on a little secret: Perfectionism is overrated. Cancers can shake things up by kicking symmetry to the curb. Not only does an asymmetrical layout create a lived-in feel, but it also offers some visual interest to the eye. And for those Cancers who fall on the homebody end of the spectrum, might we suggest the Netflix show, “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo”?

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

With a penchant for glamour, Leos are arguably the boldest sign in the astrology game. The sign is notorious for craving the spotlight and, honestly, their home is no different. “They often think, ‘How can I produce a beautiful-looking space that shows my high value for taste and style?” Silverman points out. “So you walk into a house and you say, ‘Wow, look at the colors! Bold, shiny, sparkly, and definitely inviting.’” As natural-born hosts, Leos also love to invite their friends and family over, which puts their home on full display.

Design Rule to Break:“Keep Your Metallics Uniform”

This sign is all about bringing some bling to their abode, so their space is the perfect canvas to experiment with metallics. “Leos are all about the glitz, color, and shine,” Silverman explains. “They have a high value for being bold.” It’s easy to think all of a room’s hardware need to match, but mixing and matching metals is a brilliant way to crank up the boldness on your space. A silver backsplash paired with a rose gold faucet? Why not?

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You know you’re in a Virgo’s house when everything is labeled and organized to perfection, right down to their sock drawer. Makes sense, doesn’t it? After all, Virgos are known for being perfectionists.

Design Rule to Break:“Greenery Belongs In the Garden”

But while Virgos have an “everything has its place” mentality, there’s one place they’re willing to compromise: Their greenery.

“You can’t find a Virgo who doesn’t value their health,” she says. “Virgos are more likely to have growing things in their home.” Think: herbs, a good water system, and plenty of supplements. Silverman adds Virgos are also known to embrace an earthy color palette of greens and browns.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libras might favor balance in the rest of their lives, but when it comes to their space, they like to walk on the wild side. “They’re all about their homes,” Silverman says. “These homes are wildly colorful and totally coordinated.” The astrologer adds that this sign places a heavy emphasis on their artwork as well as their use of color. We can get down with Libras!

Design Rule to Break:“Add a Pop of Color”

Why settle for a single pop of color when your entire space can be bursting with bold hues? “You walk into a Libra’s house and you might think a painter did some experiment and painted each wall a different color,” she says.

Sure, you may not be ready to paint your walls different colors (or even interested in the style). The good news is there are plenty of ways to up the ante on your home’s color game. Need some inspiration? Check outthese color combosyou wouldn’tthinkgo together, but actually do.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpios are secretive by nature—and their air of mystery trickles into the way they treat their homes. Unlike Leos, who will readily hosts friends and family, Scorpios are more likely to keep their space to themselves. “They’re very much internal people,” Silverman explains. “They’re much more about function and getting things done.”

Design Rule to Break:“Create a Light, Airy Space”

We know that sleek and bright spaces are all the rage, but it’s simply not what Scorpios gravitate toward. Instead, they prefer the darker side. “They have a tendency to be reclusive, so less likely to have you in their homes,” she explains. “A small, dark room is very comforting to them.” The good news is it’s possible to embrace the darkness without making your space feel claustrophobic.Here’s how.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Whether they’re stamping their passport with a new location, or going white-water rafting, the Sagittarius sign is known for their love of adventure and the great outdoors. Naturally, this will come into play when it comes to finding a space. “They need to have a vista, as if they’re looking at the ocean and looking at the mountains,” Silverman says. “They want a big view outside. They’ve got a big backyard, they have a swing set, they have a tennis court, they have access to the park.”

Design Rule to Break: “There’s No Place Like Home”

Dorothy definitely wasn’t a Sagittarius. For this sign, home sweet home has a few rivals. It’s no secret they love to go to new places, so they’re likely to cover their space in souvenirs. Of course, we’re not talking about cheesy shot glasses or a throw pillow that expresses how much you love New York. Check outthese smart ways to add some wanderlust into your home decor.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Simply put, Capricorns live by the “treat yo’self” philosophy. Simply put, this sign tends to favor a more traditional design aesthetic as well as the finer things in life. “Capricorns are classically trained designers,” Silverman explains. “All their furniture has a name to it. They have the best sheets and the nicest blankets.”

Design Rule to Break:“Thou Shall Splurge”

Don’t get us wrong, we love a good investment as much as the next design enthusiasts; however, spending top dollar on your home decor is doing no favors for your bank account. Nowadays, there are plenty of brands and hacks thatlookexpensive, but cost next to nothing. Just goes to show you don’t have to sacrifice style for a good deal.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The age of Aquarius is upon us—and it’s going to be a very forward-thinking one. While Aquarians are known for their philanthropic efforts, they can also be pretty progressive visionaries. “Aquarians are futurists,” she explains. “They are the ones who are ahead of us and setting the trends.”

Design Rule to Break:“Tone Down the Tech”

For this sign, it’s all about breaking down old, antiquated rules and replacing them with what’s right on the cusp of interior design. We can’t think of something that is more “now” than tech-infused design. We’re often told to keep tech to a minimum; to limit screen time before we go to bed and that, yes, youcansurvive a day without asking Alexa a million questions. Aquarians, however, are likely to embrace the latest and greatest the tech industry has to offer. Believe it or not, Silverman even says she’s seen Aquarians with three sinks and heat-sensitive doorways.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces have a reputation for being empathetic, artistic, and wise, but did you know they also have some serious design chops? “These are the best decorators,” Silverman says. “They have it in their blood.” They also love to add a slice of spirituality in their space, by lighting incense. Namaste.

Design Rule to Break:“Follow Feng Shui”

Feng shuiis often regarded as the “be-all, end-all” of choosing a room’s layout. If you want happiness, health, and prosperity, you must follow feng shui, right? Not so much for the Pisces signs. As Silverman puts it, they can master the art of the layout all on their own. “When they walk into a room, they put things in a different place,” she explains. “They say, ‘This bed needs to be at that angle.’ They have an incredible need to always change furniture.” Of course, if you’re looking for some inspiration to kick-start your space, check outthese common faux pas[we commit when arranging our living room.