Decluttering Cure

15 Things in Your Entryway You Can Declutter in 20 Minutes

updatedMay 3, 2019
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(图片来源:Cathy Pyle)
(图片来源:Kath Nash)

Your entryway is a hard-working space. It sets the tone for anybody who enters your home—like guests or, uh,youat the end of a very long day—so it should be an inviting and welcoming space. Not only that, your entryway area acts as the guardian of your home, quietly accepting cast-offs like mail, work bags, and the day’s other effects.

Eventually all those moveables pile up. So it’s a good idea to focus your decluttering efforts around your entryway every so often and keep your foyer—even if it’s just a shelf by the door—in good form.

(图片来源:Sylvie Li)

Today’s Assignment:

Do a 20-minute decluttering sweep of your entryway.

The 20-minute sweep is a staple of the September Sweep program, and here’s how it works: Set a timer for 20 minutes and head to your entryway area. (Be it a foyer, mudroom, corner, porch, basement, or wall area—we’re targeting whatever room or spot in your home that acts as a reception when you come home each day.) You may also want to graba laundry basketor something similar.

While the 20 minutes are counting down, do a fast but thorough pass through parts of that space, discarding anything that doesn’t belong (because it’s trash, or belongs somewhere else, or maybe because it’s ready for another home) into your basket.

Where to Look:

  • console tabletops
  • shelves
  • drawers
  • inside cubbies or baskets
  • the coat closet

What to look for:

  • backpacks, handbags and purses
  • shoes
  • coats, jackets and scarves
  • commuter gear
  • umbrellas
  • old mail
  • magazines
  • extra keys
  • things waiting to be taken away
  • other trash

Once you’re finished in the entryway, take your basket and empty it: Return misplaced items to their homes, and discard anything you no longer need into the trash/recycling or the “sell,” “donate,” and “wanderers” boxesyou set up on day one.

And don’t forget:

Clear three things from yourmonster zone.

Yesterday在家里,我们每个人都确定了一个大胆的空间could use a big dose of decluttering. So today (and every day after—I’ll keep reminding you), pop in to your monster zone and choose three things to remove from the space.

How did the 20-minute sweep go? Did you get a lot done?

All month long, we invite you to share your progress here in the comments and on Instagram with the#septembersweephashtag!

Check out all the assignments so far on theSeptember Sweep 2018 Main Page.

(图片来源:Kath Nash)

Download the printable PDF calendar:
September Sweep 2018