
This $30 Box Fan Has More Than 4,500 5-Star Reviews and Comes in the Coolest Colors

publishedJun 6, 2023
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Credit: Sarah Crowley

After living in New York City for the past four years, time and time again I’ve realized how often I took acool roomfor granted during the previous 18 years of my life. In the dead of summer, when I’m sweating constantly and feeling like I’m on the verge of heat exhaustion, mywindow AC unitjust hasn’t been enough sometimes — plus, whenever I have it going at full blast during all hours, the subsequent bill is usually pretty hefty. To feel some semblance of cool in my studio apartment without breaking the bank, I’ve frequently had to resort to having a fan going instead (or at the same time occasionally if the heat was really unbearable).

I’ve gone through a few fans over the years as my living situations changed, from dorm room to apartment — I’ve had atiny fanthat fit on my desk as well as anoscillating tower fanthat I put in some unused corner of the room. More often than not, the one I chose depended on how much space I was working with, and I was hardly concerned with how interesting they looked and more concerned with how much power they had. With theLasko Cool Colors Box Fan, though, I can have my fan be just as fun as the rest of my decor and not take up too much space, while also ensuring that I don’t pass out from the heat (it may sound extreme, but hey, it could happen).

We’ve all seen thetypical box fan— a standard white or beige fan that’s just plain boring to look at and looks out of place with how you designed the rest of your space. But with Lasko’s box fan, you can choose either a vibrant purple or blue that’ll stand out in any room. (It also comes in black, if you want to keep it neutral but sleeker than white — and you can even purchase a red, white, and blue one if you want to get patriotic).

但这耐用,抗风化的不仅仅是粉丝prettier than the usual box fan — it also has three quiet speeds (though some users note that on the highest one it emits a pleasant white noise sound while they sleep, which is always a plus for city dwellers who want to drown out street noise). It also fits perfectly in the window, so you aren’t losing any surface area on your floor, dresser, or table. And with its “Save-Smart” energy efficiency, it costs only 2 cents per hour to operate, so it’s a great alternative if you want to lessen your energy bill.

Credit: Walmart

“This fan is a small cyclone,” one reviewer noted of its effectiveness — and another even said they thought it cooled the room better than their apartment’s ceiling fan. Thousands of five-star reviews reported similar findings: “Efficient, not too noisy,” another customer wrote, adding that it never falls over. “Makes a nice background noise when sleeping. Runs smooth. Bought one last year, still going! Solid product!”

With summer just beginning and the weather getting warmer, now’s the perfect time to upgrade your older box fan for this more interesting option and save some money in the process. And with how many reviewers rave about it, you’re almost guaranteed to get your money’s worth!